Raising The Fifth


by Wendy Mundy

I want you to know that you may not actually know whether you want children or not.
Changing thoughts, external pressures, broody feelings, that ‘ticking clock’.
I want you to know that whatever you decide is OK.

If the choice is taken from you, infertility is a cruel burden to bear.
Even more decisions, even more pressure, even more despair.
I want you to know that you will be OK.

And not wanting kids is still considered odd, even in this world of over population
To hell with societal expectations, be happy with your choice, it’s not all about procreation.
I want you to know that other people will be OK.

If you choose a life not to be a parent, there’ll be some that just won’t understand
Pay them no heed, YOU know what’s best for you, being childfree can be planned.
I want you to know it will be better than just OK.

Published in Un(mother) by Growing Poetry, 2021

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