Raising The Fifth

I Want You To Know

by Leanne Moden

                                                    I am not defined by the absence.
Absence implies lack, implies need, implies want. But I am
not defined by what I do not want. Freedom is the absence
of absence. The lack of lack. A marker on a map, pointing
in a different direction. I am not wanting for wanting.
Contentment is a compass spinning and true north
feels different for each of us. We are all pulled magnetically
towards paths cleared by our parents – marriage, children,
a perfectly manicured lawn. Instead, I choose the long
grass. The waist-high weeds, the unexplored track through
untamed brambles. I choose my own adventure. Each
journey is equally beautiful, and my choices do not
diminish yours. My journey does not diminish yours. We
are not in competition. We’re not even going the same way.
Let your compass guide you, and I’ll follow my instincts
too. Map-making is a subtle art, every plan filled with the
ghosts of the paths not taken. But, I cannot regret my
decisions. They have brought me here. I am alive, and this
view is stunning.

Published in Un(mother) by Growing Poetry, 2021

A visualisation of part of the poem ‘I Want You To Know’ by the award-winning british author Leanne Moden, from the book Un(mother) by Growing Poetry.

Created by Benny Box
Lead designer and animation by Maja Lomholdt and Camilla Woldby

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